
Eulogies and Requiems

A collection of eulogies of parishioners and priests

Mass Papers

Archive of service sheets archive up to Advent IV 2014. From January 2015, Mass Papers can be downloaded from the link in the AVE newsletter.

Music Lists (Current Year)

Music lists for the current year are available here. For previous years' lists, see Music Lists (Previous Years)

Music Lists (Previous Years)

Music lists from previous years are available here. For the lists for the current year, see Music Lists (Current Year)

Newsletters and Archive Material

St Mary's Bourne Street newsletters archive. For up-to-date news see the AVE newsletter.


Papers from the Parochial Church Council and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, including the Application Form for Enrolment on the Parish Electoral Roll.


The safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk is an important part of all Church activities and reflects both our societal and ecumenical commission.


As well as the texts in this section, audio recordings of selected sermons are also available in our Audio Recordings section.

St Mary's Lectures

The texts of the 2016 St Mary's Lectures are available in a publication, Reflections of Glory, available from Amazon or from the